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Hot Dogs, High Fives, and Incense

A few days ago, we kicked off youth ministry at the parish I serve at. Our theme this year is Fearless. I don’t know about you, but this theme really resonates with me. When I think of what I am afraid of, I will (reluctantly) tell you that I am afraid of swimming in lakes at night and tickling…random, I know, but true nonetheless. There are many common fears: heights, public speaking, death, clowns, confined spaces, flying, loneliness…however, when really given a chance to reflect, do we not have fear each and every time we lack trust? Are we not letting fear consume us when we do not do something that God is asking of us? When we fail to love and when we lack compassion? We closed our night with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and were given an opportunity to lift our hearts to God, to Adore our Creator’s greatest gift, and to let Him adore us—to let Him speak right into our hearts to direct us in our challenge and our challenge is this: to allow the Holy Spirit to consume our hearts so abundantly that we have to room for fear, no room for questioning the grace that has been given to us, the love, the blessings, the suffering, the joy…whatever it is, we are challenged to let God consume us so freely and completely, that these things will be all we can focus on. Even among the thorns of life, we will see the joy that God has laced the challenge with. All of our bumps along the road are intended to draw us closer to the cross, so that, as Mother Teresa said, we may be close enough to the bowed head on the cross that Jesus can kiss us. It is in these moments that we feel the weakest and our trust in God is challenged the most that we have the opportunity to grow the most in the love of our Savior. I’m embracing this theme in my personal life this year, facing things I never thought possible. Will you join me in facing your fears and truly living out loud, fearlessly following the will of God for your beautiful heart? Create two goals for this month: two things that would challenge you to grow and blossom, right where you have been planted. Stick to them for 30 days and see what fearless changes you have made by the end. Do not tackle 10 things, just one or two at a time and give yourself a month to firmly establish the habit. Post your two things below to help create some extra accountability to stay on track. Fearless steps eventually turn into fearless miles. You will have trekked cross country before you know it!
Check out Isaiah 26:3-4 for a great scripture on trust!