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Jesus calls us to walk on the water. He doesn't stop the storm, instead the bears its burden alongside is. He fights each tormenting wave, every lick of cold, harsh wind, each blistered hand, sore back, or strained muscle, every last moment of weakness. Jesus bears it all with us. Next time you're wondering why Jesus isn't stopping the storm that you seem to be stuck in, remember that it's because He is alongside you: weathering the cold and suffering because He knows the strength it brings about that you never knew you had within you: building muscles you never thought you could develop and courage you thought was impossible for your frail heart. He is with you on your journey to fearlessly face the storm, knowing that you too, just like our brother, Peter, can walk on water if you relinquish you fear and replace it with pure faith and trust. Remember that each step is a struggle and you can't give up, but that if you have a moment of weakness, He will take your hand, calm the storm for a reprieve and challenge you to push a little further. A little harder. To be a little stronger. He is calling your name, reaching to the depths of your heart and challenging you to take that next step. He is calling your name, asking you to be fearless in the storm.
Read on: Matthew 14:22-33—click here.

Listen on: Listen to Britt Nicole's Song, "Walk on the Water"—click here.

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